Monday, December 20, 2010

Fringe moves to Friday Nights!

     Fringe is finally moving out of their Thursday night spot, but as they say " out of the frying pan and into the fire." Fox has decided to test Fringe fan's loyalty by putting Fringe on the Friday night lineup, which is notorious for low ratings and the grim reaper of short lived masterpieces (Firefly, Terminator, Dollhouse, etc). Though many Fringe-heads are in an uproar about this, Fox is saying they are trying to bring ratings back into Fridays, which is the start of the weekend when everyone wants to go out around the prime time programming hours. Fox in response to the outcries made a trailer encouraging the support for our beloved show, but still it would be alot more promising to give the go ahead for another full season.
     Normally I wouldn't tend to take a big television station or corporation at their word without piles of signed documents, but I'm inclined to believe Fox about their folly of support for Fringe and keeping it on the air. Maybe they believe in the show so much that the station wants to use it to put new life into Friday nights, as their promo video states, re-animate Fridays. Though I believe this show would be the one to re-animate almost anything including the Saved by the Bell series, I wouldn't dare risk this show to make the numbers at Fox go up a couple of points. Fringe is the type of show that people will need to know what is going on in the story to fully enjoy the series. There are those bottle episodes that anyone can watch without knowing the series story arcs and enjoy (which are usually the episodes to rope newcomers into checking out the first couple seasons), but most of the show continues to progress the Fringe storyline that is still budding.

    If any of you enjoy the show or want to find out about it, check out old episodes on Hulu or Netflix. More importantly please check out the first episode of Fringe in the new year on January 21 at 9pm. Watch it live and let me know what you think, any interesting theories or questions. That way we can help Fringe on Friday nights and maybe figure out where the hell alternate Nina is, and is there a Green universe?

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